SD46DFL Represents the Cities of Hopkins, St. Louis Park and NW Edina
Welcome to the
DFL46 Action Brief
Under the “Save the Date” section, please make note of the DFL SD46 central committee meeting changes & cancellations. Also, you can access details about specific events by clicking the highlighted links.
Under the “Be an Activist” section, please help make our mission–to elect democrats–a reality by becoming a neighborhood precinct leader. Precinct leaders are truly the lifeline of our organization.
The first anniversary of our organizing unit is a chance for community reflection and engagement. Do you remember the excitement of redistricting, the energy of the 2022 convention and election campaign? What memories do you have?
I remember being optimistic about the path ahead. The auditorium was energized with positivity, delegates’ passion for DFL grassroots organizing, and gregarious political chatter. We listened to political leaders & candidates, and elected delegates to the State Convention as well as officers & directors to lead our unit. Allied organizations & candidates distributed literature, lawn signs, t-shirts, and stickers. Tasty and filling refreshments added to the festivity.
I also remember our first Central Committee (CC) meeting as a newly formed SD46 DFL political unit representing NW Edina, Hopkins, and St. Louis Park. We gathered in community while sharing coffee and cookies.
During this time, my optimism has not waned. But, I’ve learned that building anew requires daily nurturing. To thrive as a political unit requires an engaged commitment to opening up our membership to under represented communities. It requires constant fundraising to fulfill our mission to elect DFLers. And it requires resolute & passionate activists.
I’m committed to expanding and improving our DFL community. And I know you are too. Together we will engage in the building activities needed to expand DFL values and programs. While we are experiencing financial and activist stress now, I take solace that by working together we will expand DFL values to improve our communities for all. In the words of the late great Senator Paul Wellstone, “We all do better when we all do better.”
With much gratitude for our DFL community,
Dianne Blake

Next Meeting is
Thursday Feb 20 (this will be a business conference to elect CC officers, approve the 2025-26 budget, and changes to the bylaws.)
The Legislative sessions just got started (sorta) so the news of our community will get posted here!
MN Legislative Action
2025 Session
Tracks bills going through Congress
SD46 Brand Shop
$25.00. Sizes – S – M – L.- XL – XXL. Fill out the order form. T-Shirts are
available for pick-up at our next meeting.
We accept check or cash. Make check out to DFL SD46.
Bring to the next meeting or mail to:
5115 Excelsior Blvd., #227
St. Louis Park, MN. 55416
Be a $$ Donor
Don’t have time to volunteer? Consider a contribution. No amount is too small or too big! Well, maybe too big–call us! Your donation helps our grassroots activities. We elect progressive DFL leaders, get out the vote mailings & postage; voter registration activities; communication costs–website URL, PO Box; and much more!
Most important: did you know that your donation may be eligible for a refund? Click Donate Now to learn about Minnesota’s Political Contribution Rebate (PCR).
Thank you!
The most important job I ever had
was Precinct Captain
-Harry S. Truman
Follow in Truman’s footsteps. The precinct is where it all begins!
Precinct leaders are neighborhood leaders who serve as the public face for SD46 DFLers. Precinct leaders help strategize how to reach voters; get them registered to vote; educate neighbors about issues and candidates, go door-to-door to get out the vote; arrange neighborhood social events to meet & greet candidates as well as listening sessions to learn about neighborhood concerns; and much more.
Click HERE to learn about our activist opportunities!